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Donations & Disbursements FY 2021
Donations & Disbursements as of 5/31/2022

Click Here to Download the 2023-2024 Budget

The 2023-2024 Budget, which was approved by the Convention Delegates, was prepared by a Budget Committee of five members of the Finance Committee.

After consistently increasing the budget for expected contributions to all of the Ministry Commitment Funds, we were unable to achieve our goal in 2021. Of course, this was also a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic because chapters were unable to carry out their customary fundraising programs. As you can see, the Budget Committee therefore reevaluated the goals for each of the funds, decreasing many of the funds from 2022 expected highs and increasing only the most important funds over 2023 and 2024 such as Social Services, International Orthodox Christian Charities, and Hellenic College Holy Cross Seminary.

New line items for Holiday Appeals, and Campaign and Appeals in order to incorporate fundraising for the organization as a priority. Only by budgeting for income to the general fund will we be able to expand our programs and remain relevant.




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